Monday 2 August 2010

Not dead! And 1.5.1

I've not updated since the Uppsala conference; mostly due to unexpectedly high levels of work. As the title subtly hints at, I'm not dead yet (although in spite of a few things).

Much more relevantly, there's a 1.5.1 release containing some modest restructuring. This is primarily to make it fit in better with the Python conventions; so that I could use the more powerful packaging it offers.

In particular, there's an RPM repository set up, at which contains RPM for gqsub. There's also a .tar.gz bundle that works much like the previous versions. If you're a system administrator, you probably want the RPM; or if you're and end user, the tar.gz bundle can be unzipped into your own directory and used from there. There is no functionality difference between the two.

Beyond that, work continues on the various features, albeit with some slippage.