Thursday, 18 March 2010

1.5.0 release, and further developments

That's the 1.5.0 release up on the gqsub page.

This handles data staging to and from Storage elements. It's a little ... direct ... in a few cases, so if you are staging multiple files and they have multiple replica's, then it doesn't guarantee to use the optimal replica. This is, however, a fairly minor issue - if you have to handle that much data then we're quite a bit beyond something that could run on a local cluster. Nevertheless, I will work on that part, and tighten it up. As it stands, it's comparable with other user tools that weren't written for a particular VO.

In parallel with that, Morag is working on a second submission engine on the back end - this one for direct submission to CREAM. It's not very different, which makes it an excellent 2nd target, and a solid step on the way to backend independence. In particular, direct submission to CREAM requires a GridFTP server, or something similar, in order to get the data back, so requirements for backends need to be handled. She's already cleaned up some of the job handling code; so look for direct CREAM submission (no WMS needed) in around 1.6 - 1.7 timeframe.

Now, on to more data handling code ...

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